CCTV Camera Surveillance

Portfolio of services

Providing unique security solutions to fit your needs.

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security guard at work

Manned Security Solutions

Blue Guard Services

Trained security personnel who safeguard your assets.

Trained CCTV Operators

Trained CCTV operators who coordinate with security personnel on the ground.

Trained Safety Marshals

Trained safety marshals who ensure compliance to safety protocols.

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Security Training School

Mandatory Training

Reliable and well-delivered training to hone skills of security personnel.

Specialized Training

Reliable and well-delivered training to further enhance skills of security personnel.

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guards in training
Employees performing risk assessment

Risk Assessment and Loss Prevention

Identification of potential risks in a facility

Prevention of losses to property/assets in relation to assessed risks

Protection of personnel onsite in relation to assessed risks

Investigation Services

Providing prompt, cost-effective, and objective investigation

Thorough, detailed, and in-depth inquiries and examinations

Provide verified and impartial results to establish the truth and provide further appropriate remedies

Employees conducting investigation